Position Title
Professor Emeritus
Position Title
Professor Emeritus
- Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
Research Focus
Historical and Comparative Sociology, Social Change and Revolution, Political Economy of Development, Urban Sociology, Cultural Sociology
The Legendary Detective: The Private Eye in Fact and Fiction
The book The Legendary Detective: The Private Eye in Fact and Fiction, John Walton is published by University of Chicago Press.
- 2003 Storied Land: Community and Memory in Monterey, University of California Press.
- 1994 Free Markets and Food Riots: The Politics of Global Adjustment, Oxford, U.K., Blackwell Publishers.
- 1992 Western Times and Water Wars: State, Culture and Rebellion in California, University of California Press.
- 1984 Reluctant Rebels: Comparative Studies of Revolution and Underdevelopment, New York, Columbia University Press.
- Leverhulme Trust Fellowship UK, 2001
- Woodrow Wilson International Center Visiting Scholar, 1993
- Robert E. Park Award (American Sociological Association, 1993)
- J. S. Holiday Award (California Historical Society, 1993)