UC Davis students have opportunities to participate with faculty members in conducting original research, thereby preparing them for postgraduate education.

Fall 2019 Juvenile Immigration Court Research Team
Students commonly begin their involvement in undergraduate research in their junior or senior year, but some students have begun in their sophomore year or freshman year. Start by identifying a faculty member with whom you already have a good rapport or whose research interests you. Investigate potential research placements at least one quarter before you hope to begin the project. Consider meeting with your major advisor to discuss undergraduate research opportunities, as well as potential unit credit. Meet with the prospective faculty mentor to see if he or she can accommodate your research interests, and to discuss possible prerequisites. Enrollment for unit credit requires writing a report or paper about your research study and conclusions. Students generally are expected to work three hours per week for every unit of course credit. Keep in mind, though, that completion of an ambitious project may require a significant time commitment.
With all that taken into consideration, participating in original scholarly research can be an intellectually engaging, enlightening and rewarding experience that may stand out as a major highlight of your undergraduate years at UC Davis.

Working session - Police Lab