Carole Joffe wins 2022-2023 UC Davis Distinguished Emeriti Award

Carole Joffe has been selected for the UC Davis Distinguished Emeriti Award for 2022-2023. This award honors outstanding scholarly work or service performed since retirement by UC Davis emeritus/a.

Since her retirement from the Department of Sociology in 2009, Professor Joffe has continued her engagement as a public intellectual on reproductive health, playing a vital role in bringing state and national attention to women's reproductive rights. In the Department of Obstetrics, Genecology, and Reproductive Services at UCSF, she trains and mentors the next generation of scholars and medical providers, and regularly teaches webinars on the sociological aspects of reproduction to physicians. Her scholarly output since taking emerita status includes three books, each of which makes a significant contribution to our understanding of abortion access under increasingly restrictive regimes, eight articles in scholarly journals, and numerous opinion essays and letters to editors in the country's leading papers. As a colleague in our department noted, "[Dr. Joffe] has dedicated her entire career to the field of reproductive rights, and retirement has not slowed her down."

We honor the unparalleled impact Professor Joffe continues to make in the field of reproductive health and wish her the warmest congratulations on this well-deserved award.

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